Jazz Education Links
A Passion for Jazz! Focuses on jazz education and jazz history, with scale and chord charts, photos, and festival directory
All About Jazz Jazz biographies, timeline, CD reviews, current news, humor, building a jazz library, and more
Jamey Aebersold Jazz, Inc. Jazz education materials (books, videos, play-along recordings), summer jazz workshop info, jazz forum, etc.
Jazz Encyclopedia article from Wikipedia including jazz's characteristics, origins, and history
Jazz at Lincoln Center Online classes, weekly conversations with Wynton Marsalis, and concerts from the Jazz at Lincoln Center archives
Jazz Corner A comprehensive jazz calendar and bulletin board, plus more than 200 jazz musician and organization websites
Jazz History Timeline Concise history of jazz from its foundations to today, including pertinent video examples
Jazz Standards Everything you wanted to know and more about jazz standards, including a ranked list of and information about the 1000 most-frequently recorded tunes
Jazz: A Film by Ken Burns A wealth of jazz information including jazz classroom activites for K through 12 under the heading "Jazz Kids"
JazzTimes Magazine Features jazz news, music reviews, discussion forums, festival listings, merchandise, and contests
NPR Jazz National Public Radio's jazz website; includes jazz education info (tune snippetts, discographies, book and CD reviews, jazz radio stations, on-line listening, etc.)